As requested, here are a few pictures of our newest addition to the family!
Anson Jack Avery

Millie loves her little brother! Any time that he starts crying, she runs over to try and make him happy. She even sings him the "be happy song" (something she created all by herself!)
Oh, and as far as milestones go, Anson rolled over for the first time yesterday! And I missed it because I was on facebook, shame on me! He rolled over again just a few minutes later, and has been rolling over today too! I would post a video, but he pretty much screams anytime that I put him on his tummy (probably why he learned to roll over so soon). My kids seriously amaze me. I have no idea how he learned to roll over so soon, because we've had so much family around since he was born, he hardly ever even gets put down unless he's asleep. I just made it a point yesterday to give him tummy time like they advise you to, and suddenly I glanced over and he was on his back! Looks like my hopes of having a calm, still baby are diminishing. I guess he wants to be like his big sister, always on the go!
HE LOOKS JUST LIKE TODD!!! he is beautiful vickie!!!!